Nancy Lecroy

Paul Spiegelman Co-hosts Dallas Business Journal's CEO Speaker Series

Paul Spiegelman Co-hosts Dallas Business Journal's CEO Speaker Series

CEO of The Beryl Companies to Share Ideas for Building a Best Place to Work

(DALLAS, TX ) -- Paul Spiegelman, CEO and co-founder of The Beryl Companies, will co-host the Dallas Business Journal's CEO Speaker Series breakfast and workshop on Jan. 27, 2010, and share his thoughts on what it takes to transform a good company into a “best place to work.”

The workshop will focus on showing companies how to foster employee engagement to drive profits. Britt Berrett, president of Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas, will participate in a panel discussion with Spiegelman that will be moderated by Bo Burlingham, the keynote speaker for the event and author of Small Giants: Companies that Choose to be Great Instead of Big.

The event will be held at the Tower Club, 1601 Elm Street, 48th Floor, in downtown Dallas. The program starts with breakfast at 7:30 a.m. and adjourns at noon. To register, go to: http://dallas.bizjournals.com/dallas/event/14951.

Beryl is a Bedford, Texas-based company Spiegelman co-founded with his two brothers in 1985. Beryl has consistently won local, regional and national awards for its unique workplace culture and its exemplary customer service.

As CEO, Spiegelman oversees strategic planning and business development for the company, which is one of the nation's leading firms focused on healthcare customer interactions and relationship management. He is responsible for setting the vision for the company, building a strong management team and promoting the unique culture for the 300-plus employees at the firm. This culture has resulted in Beryl being chosen as the second Best Medium Company to Work For in America by The Society for Human Resource Management, and earned Spiegelman the honor of being named a finalist for the 2007 and 2009 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award. He also is the executive director of The Beryl Institute, the company's thought leadership entity.

He is a much sought-after speaker and is particularly passionate about the importance of customer service in healthcare. His views have been published in Inc., Dallas Morning News, Healthcare Financial Management, Leadership Excellence, Entrepreneur and many other noteworthy publications. 

While continuing to lead Beryl, Spiegelman was named CEO of the Small GiantsSM Community, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting companies that choose to be great instead of big. This role is a natural extension of his first book, Why is Everyone Smiling? The Secret Behind Passion, Productivity and Profit, which explores how businesses can create the kind of corporate culture that fosters creativity, builds employee and customer loyalty and benefits the company's bottom line.  The Dallas Business Journal event is also co-sponsored by the Small Giants Community.

Spiegelman practiced law for two years prior to starting Beryl. He holds a bachelor's degree in art history from the University of California Los Angeles and a law degree from Southwestern University. He mentors MBA students at Texas Christian University and Southern Methodist University, as well as nurse executives in the Robert Wood Johnson Executive Nurse Fellows Program. He is a member of the American College of Healthcare Executives, and is on the board of the Entrepreneurs Foundation of North Texas.

About Beryl
Beryl, the nation’s leading healthcare-exclusive call center, helps organizations grow revenue and build lasting customer relationships by connecting people to healthcare. As a top provider of outsourced telephone and Web-based communications, Beryl delivers 24/7 exemplary customer service during more than five million interactions annually. Since 1985, hundreds of healthcare organizations have relied on Beryl for best-practices insight and data they can use to make more informed decisions about customer acquisition and retention. For more information about Beryl and its educational arm, The Beryl Institute, visit www.beryl.net.

About Small Giants Community
The Small Giants Community is a non-profit business community dedicated to building and maintaining companies that reject the pressure of endless growth to define success by not only their bottom line, but by their contributions to the community, dedication to great customer service and creation and preservation of workplace cultures of excellence. The community was co-founded in 2009 by Paul Spiegelman, CEO and founder of Beryl, and Bo Burlingham, author and editor-at-large of Inc. magazine, as a result of the success of Burlingham's 2007 book, Small Giants: Companies That Choose to Be Great Instead of Big. For more information visit http://www.smallgiants.org/, Facebook: Small Giants Buzz, Twitter: @SmallGiantsBuzz.

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